{{ ::headerbg.jpg?nolink |}} ====== SNT Gamescom ====== The SNT Gamescom is a committee of [[https://www.snt.utwente.nl|SNT]] or Student Network Twente. We are responsible for hosting the gameservers on one of the fastest networks of the world. Here you will find all the information you need to play on our servers. \\ * [[https://www.snt.utwente.nl|SNT]] * [[about|Gamescom]] ===== Choose your destiny ===== ==== CS:GO ==== | {{:cs-go.png?nolink&128|}} | mario.snt.utwente.nl:29815 | [SNT] CS:GO | | {{https://cache.gametracker.com/server_info/}} ||| ==== Minecraft ==== | {{::minecraft_logo_block.png?nolink&128|}} | minecraft.snt.utwente.nl:25565 | [[minecraft:blueshell|SNT Blueshell Minecraft server]] \\ {{https://cache.gametracker.com/server_info/}} | | ::: | minecraft.snt.utwente.nl:12345 | [[minecraft:economy|Economy]] \\ {{https://cache.gametracker.com/server_info/}} | | ::: | minecraft.snt.utwente.nl:25560 | [[minecraft:eagle_bricks|Eagle Bricks]] \\ {{https://cache.gametracker.com/server_info/}} | ==== Nethack ==== | {{::nethack.png?nolink&128|}} | nethack.snt.utwente.nl | Use a telnet client (e.g. [[https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html|Putty]]) | ==== Team Fortress 2 ==== | {{:tf2.png?nolink&128|}} | mario.snt.utwente.nl:27015 | [SNT] TF2 Server | | TF2 Server is offline ATM, let us know if you want to play TF2! \\ {{https://cache.gametracker.com/server_info/}} ||| ==== Unreal 2004 ==== | {{:ut2004.png?nolink&128|}}| mario.snt.utwente.nl:7777 | [SNT] UT2004 Server | | {{https://cache.gametracker.com/server_info/}} ||| ===== Downloads ===== | {{::download.png?nolink&128|}} | [[http://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/games]] | [SNT] FTP Server | ===== Contact ===== | {{::contact.png?nolink&128|}} | You can email us at [[gamescom@snt.utwente|gamescom at snt.utwente.nl]] |